Hire Smart with AI Insight

Hire Smart with AI Insight

Hire Smart with AI Insight

Streamline your hiring process, conduct better interviews with AI and hire the best talent.

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Streamline your hiring process, conduct better interviews with AI and hire the best talent.

Join Waitlist

Streamline your hiring process, conduct better interviews with AI and hire the best talent.

Join Waitlist

CV Analysis

CV Analysis

CV Analysis

Share your job description and get instant reviews of CV’s, highlighting the strengths and potential weaknesses of a candidate.

Share your job description and get instant reviews of CV’s, highlighting the strengths and potential weaknesses of a candidate.

Share your job description and get instant reviews of CV’s, highlighting the strengths and potential weaknesses of a candidate.

Generate Custom Questions

Generate Custom Questions

Generate Custom Questions

Get a set of custom questions for each candidate plus details about what a good answer will look like to help you evaluate the candidate.

Get a set of custom questions for each candidate plus details about what a good answer will look like to help you evaluate the candidate.

Get a set of custom questions for each candidate plus details about what a good answer will look like to help you evaluate the candidate.

All in an Easy to Use UI

All in an Easy to Use UI

All in an Easy to Use UI

Hiring tools don't need to be boring and complicated. Ditch the dinosaurs and embrace modern hiring.




How does TalentVista analyze CVs?

TalentVista uses advanced AI algorithms to review CVs based on the job description provided, highlighting strengths and potential weaknesses of each candidate to help you make informed decisions.

Can I generate custom interview questions for each candidate?

Yes, TalentVista can generate a set of tailored interview questions for each candidate, along with details on what constitutes a good answer, to assist you in evaluating their fit for the position.

How does TalentVista ensure fair and unbiased hiring decisions?

TalentVista is designed to minimize bias by focusing on objective data and specific job requirements. The AI continuously learns and updates its algorithms to promote fairness and accuracy in candidate evaluations.

What formats are supported for CV uploads?

TalentVista currently supports bulk uploads of CVs in PDF format only.

Can I track the status of my job positions and candidates?

Yes, TalentVista’s dashboard allows you to create positions, upload job descriptions, and track the status of each job (Live, Complete) and candidate (Ongoing, Rejected).

Hire Smart with AI Insight

© Talent Vista 2024